Jane’s Story

“I have loved my appointments – it’s a big thing when a professional touches you and it isn’t part of cancer treatment.”
Jane L, Former breast cancer patient
“In October 2017 I was called for my 3 yearly breast cancer mammogram, and I remember rushing to the appointment at the mobile unit in a Sports Centre car park as I was so busy with things to do that day. Not long afterwards, after more tests, I was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Over the course of 2018, led by a wonderful team of medical staff I had 3 operations, chemotherapy and finally radiotherapy. In January 2019 I had my last appointment with my oncologist and walked out of the hospital, but before she said goodbye my oncologist told me about My Cancer My Choices.
I have found that it’s a difficult time finishing treatment, the structure of your life changes and I was left totally exhausted with ongoing physical issues such as neuropathy in my leg and foot. After a few weeks I contacted My Cancer My Choices and I spoke to a really friendly member of the team who suggested reflexology. I have loved my appointments – it’s a big thing when a professional touches you and it isn’t part of cancer treatment. They’ve also given me a chance to discuss any problems with someone experienced in post cancer issues and I have left each session feeling less anxious and more rested. After a year of disrupted sleep, I am finally sleeping much better again. Thank you to all at My Cancer, My Choices you have been an important part of my beginning to move forward.
“Thank you to all at My Cancer, My Choices you have been an important part of my beginning to move forward. “
Jane L, Former breast cancer patient