“The lady who did my reflexology was absolutely lovely and our little chats really helped me just as much as the treatment did.”
Service User
Therapeutic massage of the feet using pressure points to help you relax and de-stress.
What can reflexology help with?
While not a cure or treatment for cancer, reflexology has been found by some patients to help with:
Stress and anxiety, Tiredness and fatigue, Low mood, Improved relaxation, General quality of life*
What is reflexology?
Reflexology is a non-intrusive complementary therapy that may help the body to restore its balance naturally.
Practitioners use their thumbs and fingers to gently work on pressure points on the feet, which people generally find to be very relaxing and often helpful for feelings of stress and overall wellbeing.
There is no scientific evidence to prove that reflexology can cure or prevent any type of disease, including cancer. This said, some studies have looked at using it to help with symptoms such as pain, sickness and anxiety.
What can I expect?
Prior to your first treatment, we will ask you some general questions about your medical history, medication and lifestyle, and what you’d like help with.
You’ll usually be reclining on a couch. Your practitioner will then use wax to massage the feet, using their thumbs and fingers to apply gentle pressure to specific points on your feet.
As your shoes and socks are the most clothing you’ll be asked to remove, this is a very accessible treatment. While each patient’s experience can be different, after a treatment tension and tiredness may feel reduced and you may feel more relaxed. You might also sleep better and find your mood and sense of wellbeing improved.
How long does it take?
A session typically lasts up to an hour. You may choose to have a one-off treatment or a course.
We understand that scheduling treatments around other commitments and oncology appointments isn’t always easy, and are flexible when making and amending appointments. We’re here to help you.
I’m concerned about…
A generally safe, non-invasive treatment, some areas of the feet may feel sensitive during or after a treatment, but should not be uncomfortable.
You should inform your reflexologist if you have a pacemaker, deep vein thrombosis, inflammation or pain in your feet.
As with all of our treatments, you can stop the session at any time if you feel uncomfortable or concerned. It’s your treatment, to be experienced your way.
Our therapists
All of our reflexologists are qualified to deliver reflexology, and have completed training, provided by NHS staff, in the cancer patient pathway. All of our therapists have satisfied the rigorous checking process required to be a volunteer within an NHS hospital.
They are fully insured and give their time for free. Donations are used to cover essential items such as equipment, the continuing professional development of our volunteers, and to pay our essential part-time staff.
*Please note, this is based on anecdotal feedback, and is not a promise that the therapy will give these benefits every time.
My Cancer My Choices offers free complementary therapies for individuals living with cancer in Berkshire, supported by donations to sustain our vital services.